Oklahoma Family Skills and
Development Program

Oklahoma Family Skills and Development Program

COPE, inc. 2701 North Oklahoma Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
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Help bond the love between families.

Donations of time and money to these programs are always appreciated. Contributions help make life a little easier for our clients and their families. Financial gifts are used directly for participants and social services.

Families Matter

The OFSDP is community based and designed to enhance the formation of families with marriage, and stabilize pre-existing families in crisis. OFSDP provides worships, programs, and family counseling to meet the educational, psychological, social, health, and employment needs of parents and families. The services provided by OFSDP will ultimately help families create a positive and better home environment in whcih to raise their children. The inteded consequence of OFSDP offered services will be a reduction in the likelihood of the child/children participating in street gang activity, or becoming an adjudicated individual, or child in need of supervision, as well as reduction in the number of families in need of government assistance and services. 

Two families with kids sitting on front stoops

Program Details

OFSDP offers professional innovatice multicultural services in these fields:

Education – Fatherhood, Motherhood, Parenting, and Prenatal Discussion Group

Prevention/Intervention: – Couples and Communication, and Pre-Marital Counseling

Treatment: Individual, Group and Familiy Counseling for Adolescents/Adults/Children, Marital Problem Solving, and Separation/Divorce

Oklahoma has one of the highest divorce rates, highest teen pregnancy rates, and highest out-of-wedlock birth rates in the nation. Oklahoma’s family structure is broken and needs to be restored.


  • Premarital Counseling: helps couples gain a clear understandinf of each and the conecpt of marriage which will alleviate some of the conflicts and concers that often arise during the first years of marriage.
  • Couples Communication: will help couples communicate more effectively. Couples will find encouragement and suppport from other couples. As they listen to each other sharing their own experiences, common solutions to problems, it becomes how important it is for each to hear what their partner is trying to communicate. 
  • Couples Communication: will help couples communicate more effectively. Couples will find encouragement and suppport from other couples. As they listen to each other sharing their own experiences, common solutions to problems, it becomes how important it is for each to hear what their partner is trying to communicate. 


  • Parenting: focuses on four basic procedures (1) setting attainable goals in objectively defined terms; (2) helping the child(ren) attain the objectives by means of behaviorally based teaching techniques; (3) monitoring progress; (4) modifying the conditions as necessary so as to maintain and generalize the desirable changes that have been acquired.
  • Prenatal: the prenatal discussion group is for first-time mothers/fathers-to-be and especially for teenagers. Group members are informed on what to expect during pregnancy, birth and the early stages of their child’s development.
  • Fatherhood: fathers are intricate componenets towards stabilizing the family. The objective of this program is to equip the father with fatherhood skills. Parenting, childcare, linking with community resources, conflict resolution, and effective decision-making are some of the areas discuessed. Emphasis is also placed on two parents working togehter and having respect for the mother of the child(ren). A father and mother who respect each other and let their child(ren) know it provides a secure environment for them.
  • Motherhood: equips the mother with those skills necessary to be an effective parent. Parenting, childcare, linking with community resources, conflict resolution, and effective decision-making are some of the areas discuessed. Emphasis is also placed on two parents working togehter and having respect for the mother of the child(ren). A father and mother who respect each other and let their child(ren) know it provides a secure environment for them.


COPE, Inc’ and it’s subsidiaries utilize a multi-disciplinary team approach and a multi-cultural staff to establish a multi-facted treatment program. 

Our staff consists of the following: 

Medical Doctor – Registered Nurse – Licensed Behavioral Practitioner – Licensed Professional Counselors – Licensed Clinical Social Workers – Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist – Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist – Certified Clinical Pyschopathologist – Certified Domestic Abuse Counselor – Certified Domestic Abuse Counselor – Certified Addictionist – Alcohol and Drug Counselors – Certified STD/HIV Counselors 

"In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer togehter, and the music that brings harmony."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Cope Inc